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Joined 26/01/08
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765 Posts
Posted on 01 August 2009 at 13:44:26 GMT
Been working on my new Soviet mid '80s BG, and when compared to my WG BG it is a little sparse. Wondering if anyone had any ideas on what could be added to fill things out a bit?

1x CO*
2x HQ*
1x FOO
1x FAC
9x Infantry
2x HMG
1x SA-7
2x Spigot
6x T-80
9x BMP-2
2x MT-LB

* plan to use the higher CV on the list.

I play at the 1 stand=1 platon. I will be adding some Engineers (1 company), ARCVs (mainly for CO, HQ, FOO stands), and another 9 T-72s (a battalions worth)eventually, as well as aviation support. I also don't bother with Arty as I consider them off board support only.

Suggestions please.Smile
Joined 08/11/08
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Posted on 06 August 2009 at 00:45:09 GMT
DEagle - you cna mix tanks, but only by adding an extra battalion - Mark is going to pop up here and say they didnt do this, but.... each tank regiment had a training battalion of T54/5 to maintain their T64/80 in perfect condidton so you could add one of those into the mix. There is also an independant battalion/regiment which appeared/dissappeared - its analogus to the Heavy Tanks?SP's of WWII to the early 70's. This has the "B's" - missle armed tanks - in it. IT was suuposed to be used for AT Overwatch, hanging back and sniping, but would almost certainly have been under regimental command.

As to your force - I would use 9 per battalion, both tank and MR, plus a weapons BMP with the AGL and ATGW.

Artillery - could have up to a Division's worth, with Corp assets as Artillery Assests. You could also add in an Air assault battalion, good for geting them bridges.

Joined 11/03/09
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Posted on 06 August 2009 at 06:08:40 GMT
ianrs54- I knew that there was an extra tank battalion, but thought it was more of an independent battalion...or is it the regiment one I'm thinking of. Oh well...good to know Grin

As for my force, I've always gone by 6 per battalion per tank regiment...just something that I found over the internet several years ago as well as from other gaming systems, but I do use the 9 per battalion when I chose to run a MRR.

Joined 26/01/08
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Posted on 06 August 2009 at 09:30:08 GMT
Ok, so you do have a some room for choice of vehicle used in a reg't, as long as each battalion has the same type.
Joined 26/01/08
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Posted on 06 August 2009 at 17:59:50 GMT
Here is what I am looking at adding in the near future;

3 more T-80s
9 T-64s. That brings me to 2 full tank battalions.
1 battery of ZSU 23/4s
1 Hind gunship (gotta get me one of thoseCool )

All GHQ. Now, like Russia all I have to do is come up with the funds.GrinCool
United Kingdom
Joined 07/08/07
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Posted on 07 August 2009 at 02:18:19 GMT
The Hind, sadly, blows away the enemy all by itself!Stunned
Joined 08/11/08
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Posted on 07 August 2009 at 03:53:49 GMT
Not if get enough tripple A.

I would add the Recce company, 1-2 BRDM and a BMP, and 3 SA-122, that is the regiemntal assets, those guns would be on table. In game terms, you can use the T80 and T64 as each other, as visually similar.

Gun-Pit Paul
Joined 10/02/08
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Posted on 07 August 2009 at 04:05:37 GMT
As a side note about the T80 and T64, if you have them both, you could say they are from different Regts, eg. I have 3x Btns of T.80, and 1x Btn of T.64. Now, I would say that the T.80s are from a Tk Regt, and the T.64s are from a MR Regt.
And as Ian says (which is what I do), they can represent either, or the T.72 even (East Germans, Poles and Czechs).
Joined 26/01/08
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765 Posts
Posted on 07 August 2009 at 10:06:02 GMT
I first want to sya thanks for the advice posted here, and for any future advice offered. It is all extreamly useful Cool

The Recon Coy should have been listed in the original post (2 BRDM scout cars) I'll check to make sure. As to the SA-122s since on board Arty does not have indirect capability (one of the very few complaints I have on the system)I include all Arty supports elements as off board assets.

The proxy concept is a very good idea.Smile

Gun-Pit Paul
Would TRs and MRRs swithc assets around like that?

Was the T-72 only used by Second line Pact countries (E. Germany, Poland, Czechislovakia,etc.)?
Joined 08/11/08
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Posted on 08 August 2009 at 01:23:00 GMT
T72- no but used by the Soviets in Germany, it would have turned up in the second wave.

SAU-122 - they were intended for fire over open sights, so should be on table.

Recce Coy should also have a BMP, no missle, no dismounts (or eariler PT-76).

Gun-Pit Paul
Joined 10/02/08
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Posted on 08 August 2009 at 04:28:16 GMT
I think you got the wrong end.
What I mean is this:-
The T.80s are used for the TR, and the T.64s are used for the MRR. It helps with tabletop identification. The actual models represent either the T.64, T.72 or the T.80, just depends what your Regt is equiped with. (Just the way I organised my collection, old bean).
Same with the BMP1 and BMP2. Also with the BTRs (I have BTR-80s, but they can be BTR-60, -70, or -80).
According to, the Soviets in Poland had T.64s. Those in Czechoslovakia had both T.64s and T.80s.
GDR (East Germans) had T.72s (1 Regt [7MRR] had T.80s ??)The Poles had T.72s in TDs (most, anyway!) and T.55s in MRDs. The Czechs had all T.72s (TDs and MRDs).
Joined 26/01/08
Last Visit 18/02/15
765 Posts
Posted on 20 September 2009 at 16:24:00 GMT
So, far this is my plan:

The Soviet BG as is Soviet
1x CO*
2x HQ*
1x FOO
1x FAC
9x Infantry
2x HMG
1x SA-7
2x Spigot
6x T-80
9x BMP-2

9 stands of T-64s (1 Battalion)
1 Combat Engineer Coy (2 stands inf w/MTLB transport)
1 VDV Coy (3 inf stands)
Joined 26/01/08
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Posted on 20 September 2009 at 16:24:57 GMT
"The Soviet BG as is Soviet"

Sorry copy error. Should be "The Soviet BG so far."Blush
Joined 08/11/08
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Posted on 21 September 2009 at 06:43:32 GMT
Engineers - BTR's not MTLB, probably for space reasons. Given that the T80 and T64 are very similar I would use 64's to convert to a tank Rgt. In a game buy all the assets for Arty you are allowed.. you'll need it.

Joined 26/01/08
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Posted on 21 September 2009 at 09:41:16 GMT
"Engineers - BTR's not MTLB..."

Unfortunately, at the moment on a very thin budget, and I already have the MTLBs from a previous GHQ Combat Command purchase. When I once again have a dispoable income I will definetely look into more realistic vehicle choices.Wink

"Given that the T80 and T64 are very similar I would use 64's to convert to a tank Rgt."

That is the eventual plan. Soon, I shall a respectable Red Swarm.Grin
Joined 08/11/08
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Posted on 22 September 2009 at 09:19:43 GMT
More of the swine the better, have fun with em.

Joined 26/01/08
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765 Posts
Posted on 02 January 2010 at 20:24:22 GMT
Well, added a battalion of T-64s and one armoured HQ to the Red Horde over the holidays.

I was looking at the force sheets I have set up for my Soviet and WG forces, and I have to say even though the Soviets have more points, the West Germans look more impressive when arrayed on the table.Stunned
Joined 26/01/08
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765 Posts
Posted on 02 January 2010 at 20:36:17 GMT
So, now the Soviets field:
1x CO*
3x HQ*
1x FOO
1x FAC
9x Infantry
2x HMG
1x SA-7
2x Spigot
6x T-80
9x Ti64 (Imp)
9x BMP-2
2x MT-LB

3X VDV Infantry
1X Mi-8 Hip**
2X Mi-24 Hinds**
2X Fitters**
2XFrogfoots** or is the plural Frogfeet?Grin

**Unfortunately, at present I do not have the time to assemble and paint, or the money to outfit myself with miniatures for these units, so counters with pictures of the helos/planes will have to do. As they are only markers in the game anyway, I figure this stop gap will work for a while.
Joined 26/01/08
Last Visit 18/02/15
765 Posts
Posted on 03 January 2010 at 18:47:53 GMT
"...then colour in with your kids felt-tips or pencils..."

Presumptuous, I'm not even married.

I think it will work well. I found some really nice photos of the Hip, Hind, Bo 105 PAH-1 and the Phantom, Fitter and Frogfoot.

One question I do have, why only the Phantom for late Cold War West Germans. I know there was a discussion on the boards about the Tornado and Pete seeing it more as a strategic asset, rather then tactical. But, surely the Germans had other aircraft that could have filled the ground attack bill, the Alfa Jet for instance.
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