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United Kingdom
Joined 14/03/06
Last Visit 23/03/22
233 Posts
Posted on 05 July 2011 at 23:19:02 GMT
Well you couldn't move down at the Tudor Arms last night unless you were gaming in the Skittle Alley where there was only Gordon and myself.

Normally we are boldly pushing the limits of the final frontier that is FWC but last night we played our first game of Cold War Commander (CWC) using Gordon's 6mm Soviet Russians and Afghan Mujahideen.

The game centred round a village surrounded by hills. The Mujahideen were in the village planning a raid on a convoy.

This meeting was abruptly adjourned as Soviet IFVs (mobile) deployed onto the table

Gordon took control of the Soviets

1 Co (Cv9)
1 HQ (Cv8)
1 Recce
6 Naval Infantry with RPG upgrades
6 IFVs
3 Mortars
4 Pre-planned air attacks

I led the glorious freedom fighters

1 Co (Cv9)
1 HQ (Cv9)
1 Recce
3 Infantry with RPG upgrades
9 Infantry
3 HMGs
3 Mortars
3 Snipers

Turn 1
Gordon did a flanking moving from the east with the HQ and the mortars whilst everything else came on from the south
One of his air attacks came in to bomb the village and suppressed an infantry unit
His main force blundered resulting in 3 IFVs taking 9 hits each from friendly fire which saw 2 of them plus their occupants destroyed

The Afghan HQ ordered 3 infantry to occupy a hill to engage the Soviet mortars - due to rolling double ones twice the infantry covered the 70cm distance in 1 turn
Meanwhile a sniper in the village suppressed the Soviet CO
The other troops were only capable of suppressing the IFVs which they failed to do.

Turn 2
A second Soviet air attack was taken out by the Afghan CO & SAM before it could do any damage
Gordon's mortars came under opportunity fire from the speedy Afghans on the hill and were all suppressed

2 snipers opened up on the Soviet CO suppressing him again
The Afghans on the hill started firing at the mortars - this time they were all destroyed

Turn 3
The Soviets were unable to do anything due to CO suppression

The snipers kept the CO suppressed but the remaining troops couldn't hurt the IFVs

We called a halt as the Soviets were only 1 unit away from breaking

As we had loads of time we went for a second game but reversed the roles - again Gordon set up in the village

I mobile deployed all of my troops behind a hill

My air attacks were pretty ineffectual against the village so the least said about them the better

Having seen how the first game went I set up my mortars behind the hill and moved my IFVs moved forward to outside of his RPG range

Both then started shooting at the village

My CO & HQ remained out of sight of his snipers

The Afghans could only try for suppression as their weapons were no use against armour

Gordon attempted to flank my position and although he managed to destroy an IFV in close assault they in turn were gunned down by the remaining IFVs

This game did run to 8 turns with a pyrrhic victory going to the Mujahideen

Gordon was unlucky rolling the friendly fire blunder 3 times and I was very lucky rolling loads of double ones

CWC is a little bit different to FWC which threw us at times but we enjoyed both games - well I did - Gordon probably didn't

Pictures at
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