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Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
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Posted on 26 April 2011 at 12:07:19 GMT
Last night the glorious Kraytonians gained a major victory as they managed to destroy all bar one of the colonists attempting to flee to the safety of the space port and the last ship out of town.

Sadly no pictures as I forgot the camera.

We played the Relocation scenario with 3000ap a side and 2 palyers to each team. I put my freshly painted Kraytonians as attackers against Gordon's Grey Aliens trying to move the coloonists to the Space Port from the settlement. Shaun joined Gordon and Alan joined me.

The Grey Aliens were not optimised to the colonists as Gordon had hoped to attack... ah well Grin

I'd painted up some Rhinos in United Federation colours, white with big 'UF' on the front (like UN only system wide) as the transports. Armoured but unarmed of course as they UF(N) aren't allowed to shoot diddly squat. Since Gordon's troops were maily on foot it presented a challenge for him!!

Alan and I concentrated on the objective and once both on the table took up defensive positions blocking the route to the space port. Greys had two Science teams and quickly reduce one of our HQs to a drooling child. Fortunately we had 3 commanders so we learnt quickly and left one commander up front taking one for the team.

The Mothership arrived and duly set up a shield dome to protect the colonist transport. We waited patiently and when the dome was down launched a Gara Transporter through the dimension door right on top of the colonists. Quibk, brutal and bloody and the colonists lost two APCs and their contents.

Arkalasts then opened fire on Grey infantry. Arkalasts are great, reduced saving throw and shoot throught the line!! Scrath a load of alien infantry.

The Greys then unleashed a fury or orbital strikes... or would have had they not blundered Evil How we laughed. They did managed to finaly get enough infantry to destroy a Gara Transporter but by that time had lost more colonists.

The Mothership at one point generated another shield dome with 15 or so points... neatly slicing a science team in half. The reptilian cackles of laughter could be heard in the next galaxy!! So our poor drooling punchbag commander got a slight reprieve.

More orbitals requested by the Mothership raineda torrent of fire on the Kraytonian armour, only for them to laugh it of. Even alan was officialy 'impressed' by my dice rolling. 8 hits on an arkalast and I saved all bar 1 and even then was not suppressed! I did eventualy lose a light tank after the fourth round of orbital strikes in one turn.

More Grey infantry bit the dust as Alan's armour continued to shoot anything that broke cover. Poor shaun had a hard time of it as in his first game he took a tonking.

By closing time the colonists had 1 APC left and about athird of the table sill to reach the space port, the Greys were 1 element away from morale break checks and the Kraytonians were 5 away so in rude health. Victory to the reptiles.

Another fun game that raised a few questions (posted to rules queries).

The Kraytonians proved to be a very good army and the cheap 10ap infantry a great morale filler.

The Grey Aliens are almost to clever and army as you really have to think about how you use them. It did seem odd that the Science team can mind melt at will in initiative but a sacrificial commander can resolve that to a degree. I do think that would be a lethal attack on the Bugs army though Sad

Imagine 2 science team against the single Bug CO...Shock

Steve P
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 26 April 2011 at 12:32:22 GMT
Sounds like a chaotic time was had by all Grin
Joined 14/08/05
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Posted on 26 April 2011 at 22:58:42 GMT
"Sadly no pictures as I forgot the camera."

Boo, hiss etc WinkGimmeGrin

Does sound like one of those truly mental [and I mean that in a good way Smile] games - top-notch. Now, next time - remember the camera! GrinCoolGrin
New Zealand
Joined 04/06/04
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Posted on 26 April 2011 at 23:20:07 GMT
And not a single Hyper-Velocity Plasma Smart Missile bunker anywhere! Grin
United Kingdom
Joined 14/03/06
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 10:37:08 GMT
Actually Dave that is not strictly true - the Kraytwins army-list has tanks with Hyper-Velocity Pulse weapons which also had Stealth & Adaptive camo

I make that 4 Tech upgrades on a not-massive unit!

And they were pink!

New Zealand
Joined 04/06/04
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 10:50:51 GMT
Lovely...I thought tech upgrades were limited to 2?
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 12:05:17 GMT
Upgrades are limited to 2 when creating your own lists but technicaly for the Kraytonians these are not 'upgrades' as they are vanila army list. They are more like capabilities. Evil

And they also carry 2 passengers so count as APCs too, although are not IFVs.

And they are not pink Shock, they are chitin purple thinned down and then washed with Future/Klear Grin. Besides, it's part of the adaptive camo; targeting systems cannot compute the abhorent abnormality and auto correct the picture based on the surrounding details, thus they filter out the target and assume the area is clear. Operators then have to manually override this and they of course are less skillfull so it's harder to hit.

So there. Wink
Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 12:16:58 GMT
You should have seen the Grey Alien Mothership that bore more than a passing resemblance to a plastic container more often used for holding Christmas Pudding. Gordon's wife must keep wondering where her tupperware goes.
Joined 24/06/06
Last Visit 06/02/17
363 Posts
Posted on 27 April 2011 at 14:30:08 GMT
Kraytonians are coolCool

By far my favourite FWC armySmile

The only thing they lack is a unit or two of terminators from the not-space marine listSilly
Joined 24/06/06
Last Visit 06/02/17
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 14:30:25 GMT
And pinks cool tooCool
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 16:36:22 GMT
Pink is manly, afterall what colour are most of us when we are in the bath? StunnedGrinShock
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 16:37:03 GMT
Sorry to spoil your evening meal with that thought Blush
Joined 14/08/05
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Posted on 27 April 2011 at 21:52:11 GMT
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 28 April 2011 at 08:57:15 GMT
Arghhhh! My eyes!! Shock
United Kingdom
Joined 16/11/08
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Posted on 14 July 2011 at 21:51:51 GMT
What figures were you using for the Greys?
United States
Joined 04/09/08
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Posted on 15 July 2011 at 01:27:08 GMT
Grey colored.Huh?
United Kingdom
Joined 14/03/06
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Posted on 15 July 2011 at 07:32:00 GMT
I recall that the Greys are anything in Gordon's spares box with the majority being Space Marines.
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