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Big Insect
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/10
Last Visit 28/07/20
488 Posts
Posted on 13 June 2013 at 18:42:18 GMT
Sadly no photos this time folks - as these were suppressed by G'urkish State Security on the orders of the Prime Minister - Recap Giddyup Cardigan (due to the outcome of the incident)Disapprove

The focus for this incident was the picturesque, scenic, historic hill-top village of ‘Reno’; situated on the main inhabited continent of Planet G’urkey in the Hashimma Quadrant. This quiet provincial back-water hit the Stella Media headlines, over a central government inspired project to develop the main square and its central park. Leaving aside the traditional G’urkish accusations of bribery, corruption, nepotism and just plain good old out-right disregard for planning regulations and the normal rule of law & order (let alone the capital crime of heritage vandalism). The Taxidermy Square development - would probably have proceeded with just a few minor local protests if it hadn't been for the fact that it containing the conception place (3rd park bench on the left next to the public conveniences’) of founding leader & cult hero of the Orange Ork Clan - known to his tribe as ‘the great Fanta’.
Once plans for the redevelopment had been leaked to the media (another longstanding G’urkish tradition) it wasn't long before the square was occupied by a number of Orange Ork Clan fanatics (patriots - depending upon your views). This confrontation, which saw the local Reno law & order departments powerless to intervene (discretion being the safest approach when dealing with the Orange Ork Clan) was quickly taken up as a ‘cause celebre’ by the ebullient, bellicose & very stubborn G’urkish Prime Minister - Recap Giddyup Cardigan (played by Gordon). Who, after his demand for the square to be vacated by the protesters (a demand couched in such a manner as to almost guarantee its refusal) sent in the State Security Forces, supported by the Regular Army (1,250pts of Colonial Union troops). In addition he called upon his loyal regional party supporter - an illegal political militia - the Red Ork Tribe - led by their clan chief Stoppa’d (played by Mike) - with another 1,250pts of troops, to make a “show of solidarity” at Reno that just happened to coincide with the actions to evict the Orange Ork activists. So the stage was set for a confrontation. Knowing that the eviction notice was due the Orange Ork Clan rallied its own supporters and started to defend the Square & Reno.

The Orange Orks - OOC - had 1,250pts of troops - but very little fuel - so mostly infantry and 250pts of hasty defences - 8 x bases of barricades [trenches]; 3 x light bunkers and 3 x SAM AA batteries (‘diverted’ by friendly Israeli traders from a consignment they had ‘luckily’ intercepted on its way to the radical Khazi on the planet Liggonon). The OOC also had 2 small forces in Ambush outside the village.
The encounter started with the OOOC making an Orbital deployment in Reno - which was spread across two bare open hills in the centre of a large scrub filled (low-terrain) and boulder strewn (hard cover - impenetrable) plateau. Having barricaded Taxidermy Square and sited a bunker & AA battery in its midst - in the process tearing down a statue of Recap Giddyup Cardigan which had been erected on the occasion of his 3rd successive term in office (despite the fact that the G’urkish national constitution only allowed 2 terms maximum) to make suitable foundations for the bunker. One other bunker was sited on the neck of land joining the two hills and the third on the very pinnacle of the other (less heavily developed hill). This latter was to play a critical part in the forthcoming battle, as it was also where the OOC deployed their FAO - afterwards known lovingly and posthumously as “that Ork named ‘Sue’!”. Taxidermy Square was the primary focus of the protesters defence and held all the OOC infantry + a few Runt detachments*. In addition to these, there were 3 x medium AT guns (PaK 38/50) dug in on the higher ground around the bunker, enabling fire to be directed over the barricades. Two AA/Flak wagons, 2 Attack Bikes (with the remaining OOC fuel) and a larger AT Gun (PaK 40) were deployed on the other hill top. Recce Bikes were deployed facing the short ends of both hills and the main Square was the site of the CO’s command base, with the HO on the other hill.
The State forces - 3 APCs + regular infantry, 2 MBT and 4 light armoured cars - all deployed (using Mobile Deployment) opposite one short-edge of the hill, meaning ‘business’ and looking to make a forceful and direct entry into Taxidermy Square, whilst the Red Ork Tribe moved on cautiously (using Hidden Movement) from the other short table edge - towards the less heavily fortified hill.
Things started badly for the State Regulars - as communications failures meant a slow set of moves into the combat area. Likewise the Red Ork Tribe (known as ROT) also moved slowly and cautiously across the scrub. OOC recce quickly spotted an opposing ROT recce and that was when ‘Sue’ showed her worth and brought down the first of many relatively accurate artillery barrages on the ROT forces - suppressing the ROT recce bike.
Alerted to the danger the OOC Attack Bikes launched off the open terrain of the hill to investigate the advancing movement in the ‘shrubbery’ facing them - only to die in a withering blast of shooting from the entire ROT formation (ouch!). However, they’d done their job and the full ROT formation was now visible. This gave Sue her opportunity and in a series of accurate spots, she dropped round after round, move after move, on the ROT formation - slowing it down and causing casualties. She was particularly effective as suppressing the ROT CO & his FAO - with only one move when there was no shelling by Sue, and that was when the ROT forces used an air-dispersed chemical agent* to try & flush her out of her bunker (a ROT media spokes-Ork claimed it was only smoke rounds - but it was certainly some sort of Tear-Gas canisters at the very least!). Whilst this was going on the OOC HO has directed his Pak40 to be ork-handled into the safety of the Taxidermy Square defences as there were very few armoured vehicles in the ROT formation it could hit from its initial deployment.

On the other front - Government tanks had opened up ineffectually on the OOC protesters positions - as the MBTs armour piercing rounds had little effect on the dug in infantry and infantry support guns. The OOC opened fire back and a Security Forces Armoured Car took heavy damage but survived. That was not the case with the Gov Recce force, which blundered into one of the OOC ambushed and was out-gunned and out assaulted by a Flamer-Waggon - more than slight overkill with the Flamer on an ATT/V of 6/20 and an ASS/V of 12 … OUCH! But as the Flamer-Waggon only had enough fuel for the one assault move, the Gov MBTs took the opportunity to blow it to shrapnel in a single round of firing in their Ops fire action.

The State Forces attempted more firing and destroyed a small herd of Runts who were bravely shooting their AK47s at the Armoured Cars, but to little avail, as OOC warriors left the bunker to reinforce a gap in the line caused by the death of the Runts. It looked like Gov shooting was a waste of time and so the CO ordered in an an Air Assault* to soften up the OOC before a ground attack.

However, whilst the State Forces had clear battlefield air superiority, their gunship flew straight into a lethal barrage of flak from the OOC Flak-Waggons and AA from Command units, plus the 3 x SAM batteries and was promptly shot down! Much to the joy (& surprize) of the OOC protesters. This caused the State CO to focus his MBTs on the AA SAM battery on the bunker in Taxidermy Square which was unprotected & blew up swiftly - but it had done its job well. Now the IFVs & State regulars advanced and cleared a provincial state office building on one side of the square - killing the two detachments of OOC warriors defending it - but a stalemate was starting to build, as the OOC troops in the Square put down a blistering fire on the State Regular Infantry holed up in the cover of the building, & onto an IFV that had dashed into the Square in an effort to support them.

On the other hill, with ‘Sue’ doing a fantastic job of stopping the ROT, as their advance was hit by yet more artillery salvos, the ROT CO ordered a flanking move, and as his Assault Wagons swung out around the flank of the hill, they came under heavy hill-top fire from the PaK38/50s & PaK40 and then wandered straight into the other OOC Ambush - Waha ha ha haa! This ambush contained not one but two Flamer Waggons - oh how the OOC HO chuckled as the Flamers gushed fire across the whole flank of the ROT advance. Then as the ROT armour was so close to the (now out of fuel) Flamers - in a fit of blood-thirsty pique the Assault Wagons were forced to attack the Flamers in their initiative go (that’s the trouble with blood-thirsty troops!). Whilst both ambushing Flamer crews paid for their bravery with their lives, they took a load of ROT infantry & armour with them, with significant impact on the ROT advance & moral.

Now came the saddest moment of the whole battle, as out of control & blood-thirsty ROT Walkers (Killer Kans to those in the know) overran the SAM AA battery & bunker that contained the OOC FAO (Sue). In the rubble of the crushed & wrecked bunker - the mangled body of ‘Sue’ was found the following day Lifeless and the OOC now had yet a further cause celebre to fight for !!!

So we'd reached Game Turn 8 (out of 12) but it was agreed that honour had been satisfied (& last orders rung) so the Gov troops & ROT pulled back from Taxidermy Square - leaving Rio to cough and splutter in the pall of toxic fumes and the smoke of burning vehicles. The OOC had received a total of 7 out of 14 casualties but were still firmly in control of Taxidermy Square. The ROT had the other hill - but to chants of “Stop the ROT! Stop the ROT!” from Taxidermy Square it was clear that they had no further appetite (today) for more action - having taken 25% casualties in their assault.
The G’urkey State Forces had taken light casualties - the most significant of which was the spectacular loss of their precious Gunship.

*the United Federation of Planets (UFP) are investigating allegations that both sides in the conflict were using ‘child-soldiers’ - although Ork cultural specialists are in debate about whether a ‘Runt’ counts as a child-soldier. Likewise Government forces were ‘sanctioned’ in the UFP Security Council for the use of Gunships against their own civilians and the fact that they did not stop their ROT allies from using chemical weapons (allegedly)Stunned

The full Orange Ork Clan list will be published on my Blog in a few days’ time, however recce by OOC troops believe that the opposing forces were composed as follows:
State Security & Regular Army (Colonial Union list):
• CO (CV9)
• 1 x Recce (Survey Unit on foot)
• 2 x Medical Support Units (on foot - were not deployed)
• 3 x IFVs + Infantry (Regular Army)
• 2 x MBT (Regular Army)
• 4 x Light Armoured Cars (State Security)
• 1 x Gunship - allegedly {NB: UFP have banned Gunships for internal state security purposes}

Irregular Militia (Giddyup Faction) - fierce tribal supporters of the Prime minister (Hunter Scavenger Mob) Known as the Red Ork Tribe (or ROT to their enemies):
• CO (CV9)
• FAO (managed to drop smoke once - protesters claim it was chemical weapons -not really tear-gas as the State Media Services claim)
• 1 x Recce Bike
• 3 x Flamer Waggons
• 4 x Attack Bikes
• 4 x small Attack Walkers (Killa Kans)
• 4 x Death Trucks - Loaded with Brutes & Runts
• 2 x AA Flak Waggons

Orange Ork Clan ‘Protest Movement’ (Hunter Scavenger Mob):
CO (CV8)
HO (CV7)
FAO: an “Ork named Sue” - 1 x off table ‘asset’ ATT/V:5
2 x Recce Bikes
2 x Attack Buggies (+ fuel)
2 x Flak Waggons (1 with fuel, 1 without)
3 x Light AT weapons (dug-in)
1 x Heavy AT weapons (dug-in)
8 x Ork Warriors (protesters)
2 x Runts (child soldiers)
3 x Flamer Waggons
2 x Ambushes
Field Defences:
8 x Barricades (trenches)
3 x Light Bunkers
3 x Heavy AA (SAMs)
Static deployment - all Armour, bikes & guns classified as ‘dug-in’ at start of game

A great game & an interesting scenarios Gordon - many thanks
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