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United Kingdom
Joined 29/03/09
Last Visit 30/03/14
181 Posts
Posted on 20 November 2010 at 14:45:33 GMT

Last night Steve, keith and I tried out my Nikfest US V German Falaise game. Worked well but need s couple of tweaks for both sides, which has raised some questions for me:

1) Whats the maximum number of registered targets that can be had, and is it gun specific? Eg if I had 3 x 155m guns, can I buy 1 assets to register a bridge as a target for scheduled fire from 1 gun in turn 1 and then on turns 3-12 have all 3 guns fire at this registered target with no penalty, or is it only a registered target for 1 gun?

2) If I want to up a CV value, how do I calculate the new cost of that CO or HQ?

3) I want to add a roving Mustang P51D that appears periodically in the game. The US wont have a FAC (the aircraft is udner their control and may fire on their own troops as well as the Germans). Any suggestions how to randomise arrival, entry and exit points on the table and where its load gets dropped?

4) Cant see any stats for P51's in the book, any suggestions?

Cheers, Craig
United Kingdom
Joined 31/03/06
Last Visit 14/03/15
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Posted on 20 November 2010 at 16:08:15 GMT
Many years ago, Wargames Illustrated were kind enough to publish a set of rules of mine for random air attacks. Cutting them down to this situation it would go:-
Divide the long sides of your board into two, giving you six zones on your board edge (counting the short sides as well). Number them 1 to 6. At the start of each US turn throw a D6, 6 means the P51 turns up so D6 again for it's entry zone. It can be placed anywhere along that edge. Now mark it's exit spot anywhere in the opposite zone. In the command phase the plane flies in a straight line between the two points, taking flak and attacking ground targets all the way.
Hope this is some help Cool
United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
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Posted on 20 November 2010 at 19:34:46 GMT
That's a nice, simple ideaSmile.
New Zealand
Joined 04/06/04
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Posted on 20 November 2010 at 19:36:17 GMT
1) No limit, and all guns can attack a pre-registered point. You could make it different for the scenario though.

2) If it's custom scenario, don't worry about points - just up the CV as required Smile

3) have a preset number e.g. 10, and at the beginning of each turn (player or full) roll a d6 and add this number to the previous one, until you get to your preset, at which point the aircraft arrives.
Before the game determine 6 (or 10 12 ,etc) points on the table, and when the aircraft arrives it randomly attacks one point (i.e all units within 20cm).
After the attack is over, reset the counter.

Make sense?
Joined 17/09/06
Last Visit 11/05/16
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Posted on 20 November 2010 at 20:09:29 GMT
In BKC I, the P-47 had a save of 6, and I ran P-51's without the save (and 10 pts less, not that I worry much about points). Haven't used planes in BKC II yet, and just noticed that the P-47 lost it's armor plating!?! Hey, there's saboteurs at the airfield Huh?

But since this isn't a dogfighting game, the plane stats are all pretty similar. For the Mustang with bombs, use the Thunderbolt stats; without bombs, use the Spitfire stats.

oooh, like those simple wandering aircraft rules!

Also I go more for designed scenarios, And like to give the planes the extra attack strength for bombs on their first pass. If they come back in later turns, they're just strafing.

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